
Classic Ballet Night

BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts

29 november 2020 at 16h and 19h

Dedicated to
Sergei Diaghilev
and his Ballets Russes

"Russian ballet seasons" is an incomparable phenomenon of world culture. Thanks to the participation of outstanding artists, choreographers, composers, and dancers, Russian ballet gained exceptional popularity throughout the world at the beginning of the last century. The names of Vaslav Nijinsky, Mikhail Fokin, Léon Bakst, Igor Stravinsky and, of course, the main inspirer of the project, Sergei Diaghilev, have become one of the main legends of the 20th century and, more than a hundred years later, continue to arouse genuine interest among the public.
Gala-concert "Classic Ballet Night" is dedicated to Diaghilev's collaboration with the most famous artists of the Imperial Theaters, especially for whom a unique touring repertoire was created. The concert will show fragments of performances and miniatures in which Anna Pavlova, Matilda Kshesinskaya, Olga Spesivtseva, Tamara Karsavina, Ida Rubinstein shone in theaters in Paris and London.
Arts Center Saint-Michel
Artistic Director
Mikhail Venshchikov